Your church is the pride of your community, a friendly place where families come to worship, learn, engage with each other, and enjoy a respite from their hectic lives. Adding a playground equipment to your other amenities can enhance your image in the community, attract new families to your congregation, and offer additional benefits for the parents and kids who use it. If you’re considering building a playground or upgrading your current equipment, here are five good reasons to move forward.

1. A church playground is inviting.

If your kids outdoor playground can be seen from the street, even partially, it sends a positive message about your faith community. It tells everyone who drives by that your church is family friendly, that you care about children, and that fun and recreation are an important part of church life for your congregation.

2. A church playground promotes health benefits.

Studies have shown that kids who enjoy active outdoor playtime do better in school, have improved attention spans, and experience less stress. By offering children a bright, engaging, safe place to enjoy fresh air and sunshine while experiencing the joy of movement, you’re promoting a healthier lifestyle for your littlest members.

3. A church playground gets kids away from screens.

Even small kids are suffering from the same “screen addiction” as their parents, spending hour after hour staring at TV, computer, or smartphone screens. When they come to your church playground, they have the chance interact with other kids and their parents on a personal, face-to-face level.

4. A church playground promotes fellowship.

When kids interact at a playground, they learn teamwork, empathy, and appreciation for the things that make their playmates special. Even activities as simple as deciding who goes first on the slide can benefit the development of interactive skills that will serve them well later in life.

5. A church playground attracts young families.

If you’re trying to attract younger families to your church, installing a bright, modern playground is a perfect first step. Not only will young moms and dads feel welcome in your congregation, but they’ll also be more likely to stay after services and engage with others while their kids enjoy some outdoor fun.


If you’ve been thinking about improving your church landscape with a new playground — or replacing an old one — there’s never been a better time to move forward. And if we can help, give us a call at (713) 939-9888 and let’s talk about what we can create for you!