Best Quality Playground Equipment

The first outdoor gymnasium was set up in 1821. It was constructed at the Latin School in Salem, Massachusetts. The playground equipment consisted of vaulting horses and parallel bars. However, the popularity of these outdoor gyms faded quickly during the industrial revolution of the 19th century, when there was a renewed need for child-specific spaces.

Sand Gardens

The idea for supervised Houston playground equipment to keep children from playing on the roadways. The playgrounds were sand mounds with cops watching over the kids. “In 1885, a German lady named Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska brought this concept to Boston”. The Boston Sand Gardens were the country’s first supervised playground.

The first playground equipment was constructed of galvanized steel with a plain climbing ladder type. In the 1940s and into the 50s, free play was advancing into its own with terrain adventure playgrounds. According to the historical records, the Germans were the first to provide distinct play space. These playfields were known as “Sand Gardens” to get children off the roads where play was becoming dangerous.

Playground Equipment History

We all are well aware of the fact that playground equipment has not been in place since the beginning of time. While there were some traditional ways in which children used to play, like hanging tires or ropes on the trees et all, the world did not witness the present-day equipment until around 200 years ago!

The First Playground Equipment Ever

As some suggest, Fredrich Froebel, a 19th-century German educator and the founder of modern education, was the first person to consider the concept of a playground vital for the comprehensive growth of children- especially those in kindergarten.

Development of Playgrounds from 1821 to 1900

“The Latin School in Salem, Massachusetts, was the first place to receive a major outdoor play space in 1821”. It was an outdoor gymnasium inspired by the Germans. Here, playground equipment like a vaulting horse and parallel bars were installed.

Amid the industrial revolution, a lady named Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska bought the playground concept from Germany to Boston in 1885. This led to the establishment of the Boston Sand Gardens- the first supervised playground in the country.

The first playground in America opened in 1887 in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. It came with multiple equipment, such as swings, slides, and a carousel. “The Hull-House playground, opened by Jane Addam in 1895, was considered a landmark development in the arena of playgrounds”. It came with playground equipment such as-


Playgrounds: The 1880s

The first playground was opened in 1885 by Sir Frances Galton on London’s Battersea Bridge Road. For the youngsters of south London, there were swings, climbing bars, and horse riders. This became the paradigm for municipal playgrounds throughout the United Kingdom.

Playground Equipment- Early 1900s

A large population moved from rural America to urban areas as cities developed into industrial hubs. Many kids found themselves without enough outside space for play and exercise as the country industrialized, more families moved to cities for employment, and home development declined in metropolitan areas.

Some of the earliest structures built in emerging industrialized cities were schools. These organizations were deemed required by the local governments to give this new group of city dwellers structure and order. Schools tried to maintain order by establishing rules regarding where kids were permitted to play during recess, school hours, and after school. Teachers and other adults who served as disciplinary authorities enforced these norms using harsh methods like humiliation, reprimands, and physical violence.

New York, 1901

The Playground Association of America was founded in 1901 to help children growing up in tenements. An early initiative by this group was the construction of a playground on the roof of Ellis Island’s hospital center for immigrants and refugees. In 1911, William Dickson Boylan Junior High School established the first playground in an American primary school.

The Growing Popularity Of Swing Sets Post World War II

During the Great Depression, when Americans struggled financially, children had little to do, and playgrounds were rare. Following WWII, however, there was a noticeable rise in the number of swing sets accessible to children.

The Evolution of Playgrounds

Let us now look at the various benchmarks in the evolution of playground equipment since 1900.


Final Thoughts

Playground equipment supplier became additionally standardized with no sharp edges and plastics being used. By the 90s, we see the ultra-modern age of playground equipment with safety veritably on the significance list. 

All Play, Inc. is a commercial playground company and a leading playground equipment supplier. The company specializes in building premium playgrounds and play spaces with features that kids love and satisfy their parents.

Thus, we can see that the playground equipment supplier experience has been made safer and more amusing for the kids and their parents. All Play, Inc is a playground equipment supplier that ensures all its equipment’s safety and the children’s delight. We build premium playgrounds with various equipment varying on the client’s needs.



The best playground equipment is commercial playground equipment. It’sIt’s generally found at public parks, daycare, and schools. It’sIt’s generally made from heavy-duty materials. It’sIt’s better for them to be IPEMA certified and adhere to the safety norms of ASTM.

Determining what a kids outdoor playground should have will highly depend on the age group it is catering to. For example, swing sets, slides, bouncers, playhouses, and hurdles are good if your playground is designed for older kids. However, if it is for toddlers, you will need to add a lot simpler and safer equipment.

Playgrounds help develop a child’s physical, mental, social, and psychological well-being.

Playground sets can usually range from 5,000-to 20,000 USD.

The playgrounds are for kids in the age group of 6-23 months, 2-5 years, and 6-12 years.