With summer nearly here, it won’t be long before kids and families begin flocking to your playground. While you get your equipment ready for the “summer rush,” you’ll also want to pay attention to the walkways and sidewalks around your play area. Poorly maintained walkways can detract from the eye appeal of your space and can even create safety hazards, and now is the time to make sure your paths are ready to do you proud all summer long.

For Safe, Beautiful Gravel Walkways …

  • Weeds and other unwanted plant life can sprout up through the gravel and cause tripping hazards, making walkways unsafe for young visitors. Inspect your paths regularly and pull up any weeds as soon as you see them.
  • If you’re creating a new gravel walkway, put down a layer of quality landscaping fabric first. This will prevent unwanted vegetation from sprouting up through the gravel.
  • If you have an existing gravel walkway where weeds are a consistent problem, consider re-installing it with a layer of landscaping fabric underneath.
  • Rake your walkway regularly to remove debris and ensure a smooth, level walking surface.
  • Over time, gravel material can be kicked off the path and scattered onto the neighboring grass, causing your walkway to appear messy. You can prevent this by installing edging material to create a barrier and keep gravel in its place.
  • If potholes appear, especially after a hard rain, fill the entire sunken area with fresh gravel (don’t just “borrow” material from another area of the walkway).


For Kid-Ready Concrete Walkways and Sidewalks

  • Sweep concrete walkways regularly to keep your space looking clean and orderly.
  • Repair any large cracks in concrete or pavement as soon as you notice them, as these can become serious tripping hazards.
  • Power-wash your walkways on a regular basis; if stains appear, clean them up immediately.
  • Applying a sealer isn’t strictly necessary, but it will help keep your sidewalks looking clean and beautiful.
  • If weeds begin to spring up in cracks or gaps, pull them immediately. If weeds continue to be a problem, look for an environmentally friendly and kid-safe weed-control solution.


Remember, your walkways and sidewalks are an important part of your play space. By maintaining them well, you’ll create a safe, attractive area that keeps families coming back all summer long.