Now that school’s out, the kids in your community will be looking for ways to spend the long days between family vacations and summer camp. All too often, they turn to sedentary activities like playing video games and watching TV (not to mention that most popular of all kids’ summer activities, sleeping late!) instead of more active pursuits. And without recess and school sports to keep them moving, this lack of physical activity can take a toll on their health.

Now is the perfect time to get the families in your community to say “yes” to a more active summer, for both kids and adults. And could there a better hub for these activities than your playground area?

Here are a few ideas to share with your community for ensuring a healthier, more active summer for all:

  • For adults and teens, organize a morning “boot camp” at your playground that mixes calisthenics (jumping jacks, pushups, etc.) with more lighthearted activities such as wheelbarrow races.
  • For families with babies and toddlers, start a moms’ walking group and designate a stroller-friendly path around your grounds. Each walk can end with a series of “mommy and me” fitness activities, like the ones on this list from Parenting magazine.
  • For families with school-age kids, give out “scorecards” that let them enter a star every time they log at least 30 minutes of active play at your playground, and offer rewards at the end of the summer for kids who accumulate the most stars.
  • Organize special events like kite-flying meetups, field days, and fun runs to bring families together in the spirit of healthy activity.

When planning scheduled activities, remember that we’ll be dealing with that famous Texas heat, so morning or early evening times are best to avoid the risk of overheating.

With a little creativity and some help in spreading the word, you can encourage the families in your neighborhood to enjoy the healthiest, most active summer ever … and have some fun at the same time.