It is high quality and competitively priced product line designed specifically for children’s play areas. Whether it is to be placed beneath playground equipment or simply for a running play zone, the ASTM and ADA compliant product is adaptable to achieve the best suited functionality even at varying fall heights.
- No grass loss from foot traffic or play
- Always green and is unaffected by weather extremes or use
- Wear is extremely minimal: natural grass, mulch, etc. can not compete
- Consistent, neat play area sends a message of cared-for kids
- Non-abrasive surface for fewer skinned knees and elbows
- Dirt, mud and grass cuttings are no longer tracked into classrooms, cars and homes
- No grass stains, no dirty clothing, no dirty hands
- Area can be used continuously because it’s more resilient than natural grass
- Replaces the moisture-rich, natural-grass nesting ground for insects such as fire ants and underground bee’s nests
- Elimination of grass pollen allergies
- No hidden or buried foreign objects to cut little hands and feet