The question of whether technology is a boon or a curse can set quite a debate. Especially when it comes to children, the new tech can fulfill both roles agreeably. It has the potential to foster the child’s creativity and contribute to overall growth. While it is also true that it deprives today’s children of enjoying the fun of playing outside. The CDC recommends that a child should have a physical activity of about 60 minutes or more every day.

It can influence muscle and bone strengthening, prevent childhood obesity, and can also lower stress levels. Perhaps, you are well aware of these benefits and recall your own childhood experience of playing out. However, parents can be worried about the safety of their children. The pandemic-driven days have demanded extra care to be taken. In these cases, setting up outdoor playground equipment in Houston in the open space around the house can be most convenient.

This article will guide you about all the aspects of residential playground equipment.

What are the available options?

Undoubtedly, Houston has many over-the-top parks for kids to play in. Yet, parents can give that fun to their kids right in their own backyard. 

These are the must-have sets for outdoor playground equipment in Houston:

  • Swings: Swings are the perfect choice if a child wants to get his/her feet off the ground. There are plenty of picks available. For children under five years, a bucket swing can come in handy. You can try out belt swings, tire, and daydreamer swings as kids grow. Glider swing is one that the kids and even parents can enjoy at times.
  • Slides: A conventional slide can also do the work. Yet, the variants of wave slide, spiral slide, and tube slide add some extra adventure. The tube slide could be less popular as outdoor playground equipment in Houston as it takes space.
  • Something to climb: Improving body coordination through climbing is an awesome activity. A wall made up of solid material can add a lot of fun while playing. If not a wall, you can also think of a rope ladder.
  • Addons: There can’t be enough of bouncing on a trampoline for kids. Also, monkey bars, crawl tunnels, and ship wheels complement the backyard well.

Things to look after while setting up a playground

While kids are in the safety of their house playing outdoor playground equipment in Houston, parents need to examine how safe this equipment is for children. 

Give a thought to the things below for a completely safe environment:

  • Avoid wooden equipment since it can be susceptible to pests and weather.
  • If wooden sets can’t be avoided, go for the durable cedar wood.
  • The material used in the equipment should be sturdy so as to avoid corrosion.
  • No crowding; there should be enough clearance between components.
  • The playground equipment can need periodic maintenance.
  • Do not leave any overhanging electrical wires or tree branches where children play.

If you have made up your mind after going through this blog, All Play Does it all is an excellent manufacturer of outdoor playground equipment in Houston. Head over to the site to create a childhood of backyard fun.

Playing in childhood is traditionally associated with fun and enjoyment. Children themselves might perceive it as a mere joyful activity. However, many people are oblivious to the fact that play constitutes an important part of life for child development. There are plenty of playgrounds in Houston for the 39% of households having children. This can be a very good place of learning for children, apart from the schools.

It is by playing together that makes children learn to socialize. From forming bonds of friendship to gaining life experiences, outdoor playing is indispensable to child development. Research in this area has revealed the physical and mental benefits playing can impart to children. After reading this blog, you will be completely aware of the importance of play in a child’s development. These benefits would surely provoke you to make daily rounds to playgrounds in Houston with your kids.  

 Playing supports physical development

The physical activity of kids these days has taken a hit due to gadgets. There has to be a fine balance between the screen time and outdoor playing time of the child. 

Sending kids to playgrounds in Houston offer the following benefits:

  • Strengthens muscles and bones: Playing is a kind of exercise generating strain on body muscles. The repeated strain is the key to increasing their strength. Also, children are exposed to sunlight while playing outside, which can provide vitamin D. Thereby improving bone growth.
  • Reduces obesity: About 34% of children aged 12 and over in Houston are obese, as per the health department figures. This is due to the fact that kids spend less time on playgrounds in Houston and more before computers. Playing an hour a day prevents the incidence of obesity in children.
  • Improved sleep: Getting tired during play eventually contributes to undisturbed sleep. Moreover, kids wake up more refreshed if they had a good game before going to sleep.

 Mental development in kids

Scientific research has shown that there is a relationship between playing outdoors and the intelligence of children. 

The playgrounds in Houston can spark creativity and offer several advantages:

  • Develop leadership skills: Kids often enjoy the leadership positions in the games of their choice. This is when their leadership skills sharpen. Play helps the children recognize their true talent.
  • Critical thinking: The freedom to make decisions and mistakes during play does develop critical thinking. Playing allows the unlimited use of imagination which culminates into greater creativity.
  • Intelligence development: The higher cognitive processing area of the brain benefits most while playing. The activity of playing for a longer duration can increase the ability to focus. It can be helpful for other long-term tasks that need focusing. Thus, playing at the playgrounds of Houston can make your child intelligent!

Apart from this, playing also nourishes the social and emotional development of children. Kids experience a range of emotions when they play, which helps them to overcome problems. As playing involves socializing with other kids, it teaches children to be patient. 

To be independent and also learn collaboration. All in all, it is highly required for parents to encourage their kids to visit playgrounds in Houston.



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